The most active area on our face is the mouth and the mouth area. Consequently, deformations in this area will be more. Some of these deformations occur during the ageing process while others result from frequent gestures.

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Thinning lip

It can be structural or associated with ageing. Lip thinning can be corrected by filler application. The lip contour can also be corrected using threads if filler is not preferred.


Increased lines above the lip

This may be due to frequent use of lip gestures, deterioration of skin quality and thinning of the lips. In case of resulting from thinning of lips, this problem can be solved just by a filler to be applied under the lip contour.

If the problem is a result of deterioration of skin quality, the skin can be rejuvenated using certain procedures like Microneedling, Fractional laser, PRP, and mesotherapy.

Another method is use of threads. Also, fillers can be used inside the line or under the skin.


Dark spots above the lip

These are the dark spots that occur after sun exposure following waxing, threading or laser hair removal done for getting rid of the hair above the lip. These spots are deeper in the skin. Above all, ultraviolet light should be avoided after such procedures in order to prevent such spots from occurring and increasing.

Removal of the dark spots in this area is difficult. It can be removed using methods like Microneedling, Enzymatic peeling and Q-Switch laser.


Lines in the corners of the mouth

These lines are caused and increased by gestures like mouthful of laughter. In these cases, fillers may be used to prevent the lines from getting deeper and to improve the appearance.

If the lines have increased due to loss of skin elasticity or sagging of the cheeks, applying fillers in the area will cause the face to get bigger forward and downward. In such cases, specific treatment should be applied for the problem. A procedure that focuses on only the perioral area may disrupt the integrity of the face.


Lines and folds between the lip and the chin

These are also called Marionette lines or folds. They are in the shape of lines if caused by loss of skin elasticity or sagging skin. If the lines are in advance stage, a specific treatment should be applied for the problem.

As people age, nasolabial folds or Marionette lines may occur due to changes in the structure of the palate or reconstruction of the teeth.

If the corners of the lower lip are inside structurally, this may result in a sad looking face.

In case of perioral problems like Marionette lines, folds and sad looking face, the problem can be solved using different Filler products.



The chin should not be ignored. A problem in the chin structure, if noticed and corrected, may provide an improved appearance of the face beyond expectations.

Small chin, sharp chin or indented chin will give a completely different look to the ovality and shape of the face.

Such problems of the chin can be corrected using fillers according to the face ratio.